Paper-based duplex wallpaper.
Article В64,4 ; В66,4 ; В69,4.
Roll size 0,53*10,05; 5,33m2.
The word “duplex” in the name of this wallpaper type speaks for itself — this finishing material has a two-layer structure. This technological solution increases wallpaper lifetime and has a positive impact on its presentable look and attractiveness. Gracia wallpapers by Slovyanski Shpalery are created with a glance to traditional views and contemporary design trends.
Creating a difference between cold walls and a cozy and downhome interior starts from making a correct choice of finishing materials. Gracia wallpapers create an absolutely special atmosphere, brighten your rooms, make everyone in the room feel comfortable. Environmental friendliness of the product is provided with two layers of natural paper. The collection includes wallpaper of different colours and surface structures, which will cater for various tastes. High quality and advanced properties make this wallpaper suitable for each room, and its reasonable price creates a great opportunity for a best-value deal.